2022 reflections, and impostor syndrome

2022 has been a year where it felt like my life kicked into overdrive, in all the best ways. Some of the career highlights: It’s interesting doing a highlights reel like this, because when I’m in the nitty-gritty of the day to day, it doesn’t feel like I’ve accomplished much. If anything, it feels like […]
The Obligatory How-I-got-my-agent Post

This post is long overdue, but I figured I’d share this with everyone because, well. It’s been a long path to being agented, I’m sure in large part due to me not believing I could be good enough to write a book until I was 21, then stumbling my way through novel after novel because […]
Of Giants and Men

A short piece of prose dedicated to my dad.
Deconstructed: Voices of a Distant Star

I just wanted to share all these feelings with you…
For the rest of my life.
Deconstructed: The Lies of Locke Lamora Prologue

If ever you wanted to look at a good novel hook and a prologue that works, I’m pulling apart the prologue for The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch to analyse why it works for me.
Deconstructed: Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim is one of the huge Summer blockbusters, and its core concept can be summed up in five words: Giant robots fighting giant monsters.
Deconstructed: Revenge of the Sith Novelisation

The Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Woodring Stover (MWS) is one of my favourite books to this day. It expands so much on everything that happened in the movie, and really delves into the characters to make the climax far more heartbreaking than the ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’ of the film.
‘Strong’ Female Characters

What makes a strong female? Is it someone who can wield a mean sword (or knife, or garrotte, or other deadly weapon)? Someone who can kick the ass of any male she comes across, no matter how highly trained they are? Someone who can do everything on their own and flaunt every status quo?
Making a Home

It’s a well-known principle in writing that a place should take on its own character. But just like my room is an extension of who I am, something I’ve found useful when writing is to create a place that is a part of the character I’ve created.